This is especially true for the black-tailed rattlesnake (or blacktail rattlesnake). This snake is venomous, but it is not aggressive or temperamental. Black-tailed rattlesnakes are surprisingly calm and relaxed, and it is more likely that you will walk right by one without ever realizing it was there. The biggest threat these snakes pose is that because they are so quiet and calm, you must look very carefully so that you do not step on one! Most bites occur because someone accidentally stepped on a rattlesnake. Let’s take a closer look at these beautiful, laid-back snakes, and discover the largest black-tailed rattlesnake ever recorded!

What Do Black-tailed Rattlesnakes Look Like?

Black-tailed rattlesnakes have beautiful and distinct patterns. Snakes that live in desert areas typically have lighter or paler colors, while snakes in mountainous habitats have bolder and brighter colors. In addition, black-tailed rattlesnakes that live in higher elevations often are more yellow, while those in lower elevations have more brown and gray colors. The background color of black-tailed rattlesnakes can be yellow, olive green, tan, silver, gray, or brown. They have diamond- or rhombic-shaped crossbands running along the length of their bodies with lighter-colored centers and patches. These patterns can be black, brown, or gray, with light-colored centers. Like their name, the ends of the snakes’ tails are completely black, ending with a large, light-colored rattle. Their rattles are made of segmented portions of keratin, with a new layer added each time the snake sheds. However, snakes shed several times a year, and their rattles can be fragile and break off, so they are not an accurate way to tell a rattlesnake’s age. Black-tailed rattlesnakes are pit vipers with large heads that are much wider than their necks. Their venom glands are much bigger than many other rattlesnakes, which makes their heads look like a large diamond or heart. Some snakes have black bands across their faces that look like eyebrows or eye-masks and may also have black on their snouts. They also have pronounced scales that hang just over the tops of the eyes that can make the snakes look like they are scowling.

What is the Largest Black-tailed Rattlesnake Ever Recorded?

Black-tailed rattlesnakes are medium-sized snakes, measuring between 30-40 inches in length. On average these snakes are around 36 inches long, and females are often larger than the males. However, the largest black-tailed rattlesnake ever recorded was 52 inches long!

Where Do Black-tailed Rattlesnakes Live?

Black-tailed rattlesnakes live in the southwestern regions of the United States. They also live as far south as Oaxaca in Mexico, and on the San Estéban and Tiburón Islands of the Gulf of California. There are four subspecies of black-tailed rattlesnakes:

The Northern Black-tailed Rattlesnake lives in Mexico, Texas, New Mexico, and ArizonaThe Mexican Black-tailed Rattlesnake lives in MexicoThe Oaxacan Black-tailed Rattlesnake lives in Oaxaca (Mexico)The San Esteban Island Black-tailed Rattlesnake is endemic to San Estéban Island (Gulf of California)

These snakes live in a wide variety of habitats, but tend to prefer warm, rocky areas. They often live along the sides of canyons or caves, as well as in desert areas, grasslands, and forests. From May until the first frost of the year, black-tailed rattlesnakes are active and hunting for food. During the spring and fall months, these snakes are primarily diurnal and hunt during the day. However, during the summer they become nocturnal and hunt at night to escape the heat. Black-tailed rattlesnakes move using both rectilinear locomotion as well as sidewinding, depending on which is most useful at the time. They also have excellent swimming and climbing skills, although these snakes usually prefer to stay on the ground. From October through March, black-tailed rattlesnakes brumate in crevices and dens abandoned by other animals. Brumation is similar to hibernation, except that snakes do not completely sleep through the winter. Instead, they slow their metabolism and heat rates to conserve energy. On rare occasions, a snake may even emerge from its den during the winter to warm up in the sun.

Are Black-tailed Rattlesnakes Dangerous?

Black-tailed rattlesnakes are venomous pit vipers and are dangerous to humans. Their venom is primarily hemotoxic and affects blood cells and circulation. However, it is not nearly as potent as many other rattlesnake species. Because of this, black-tailed rattlesnakes must use more venom to subdue their prey, so they have extra-large venom glands on the sides of their heads. They also have some of the biggest fangs of any rattlesnake in comparison to their body size. Black-tailed rattlesnakes are certainly dangerous, but their bites can be treated and are generally not fatal to humans. In addition, black-tailed rattlesnakes are some of the nicest and most docile rattlesnakes out there. These snakes are curious and calm, so bites are very rare. They rely heavily on their camouflage colors and patterns to keep them out of sight and will try to slither away quietly instead of rattling a warning or fighting. In fact, black-tailed rattlesnakes are typically so quiet that you will likely never see them. This also makes these snakes dangerous, because it is easy to accidentally step on one and be bitten. If they feel cornered, these snakes will rattle their tails loudly and can strike.

What Do Black-tailed Rattlesnakes Eat?

Black-tailed rattlesnakes are carnivorous ambush predators. These snakes hide out of sight and wait for their prey to walk by. When an unsuspecting prey animal gets too close, the snake springs out from its hiding place and strikes it with a venomous bite. Black-tailed rattlesnakes eat small mammals like rabbits and squirrels, as well as rodents, small reptiles, and birds. Many snakes appear to especially enjoy woodrats, cactus mice, and rock pocket mice. Juvenile snakes often hunt lizards until they are large enough to take down other prey.

Black-tailed Rattlesnakes vs. Diamondback Rattlesnakes

The black-tailed rattlesnake can be mistaken for a diamondback rattlesnake because they both have geometric patterns along their backs. However, diamondback rattlesnakes have very distinct and uniform diamond patterns. Black-tailed rattlesnakes, on the other hand, have crossbands that are irregularly diamond-shaped or rhombus-shaped. Diamondback rattlesnakes also have black rings on the ends of their tails, but the end of a black-tailed rattlesnake’s tail is entirely black.

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