Are there dangerous sharks off the coast of Virginia Beach?

Shark attacks are exceedingly rare in Virginia. There have been only five unprovoked attacks in the state since records were first kept in the mid-19th century. The last fatal shark attack happened in 2001 when a boy swimming off Sandbridge was bitten on the thigh. Another attack happened in the same area in 2010, although it proved non-fatal.

Sandbar sharks: Sandbar sharks can be found in the Chesapeake Bay and along the coast in summer and fall. Juveniles will gather in these waters, usually swimming the bottom looking for food like blue crabs. The juvenile sharks are 2-3 feet long and grow to be about 7 feet. They are the most common shark in this area but rarely attack humans.Dogfish sharks: Dogfish sharks can be found in the lower Chesapeake Bay and along the coast. A smaller shark that only gets to be around 5 feet long. They swim in groups and can be found swimming in the muddy bottoms of the coast looking for food. Humans are not on their menu and dogfish are rarely involved in human-shark incidents.Bull sharks: Bull sharks can grow to be 7-11 feet long and weigh 200-500lbs. Bull sharks can be found in the Chesapeake Bay and along the coast. One interesting fact about bull shark is they are the only shark that can process fresh water and can live in both fresh and salt water. They are one of the top three sharks that do occasionally attack humans, but shark attacks are still very rare.Great white sharks: Great White sharks are one of the most dangerous animals in Virginia. They do live off the coast of Virginia Beach and have been involved in attacks and fatalities along the coast. Great White sharks can get to be 20 feet long and they are known to be aggressive. In September 2001 a 10-year-old boy was attacked while surfing off of Virginia Beach. His father tried to punch the shark and poke its eyes. He received first aid on shore but unfortunately the boy didn’t make it. He was the first person in Virginia’s history to be killed by a shark. Authorities were uncertain what kind of shark it was but Great Whites are responsible for the most shark attacks worldwide.

Are bears the most dangerous animals in Virginia?

Black Bears: Black bears are dangerous animals. They can be 400lbs and have razor sharp claws and teeth. Black bears are not as aggressive as grizzly bears but they can be dangerous. While there are not any Grizzly bears in Virginia there are several large populations of Black bears. There are 18,000-20,000 black bears throughout the state except for the NE corner by the Chesapeake Bay. Despite the high number of bears there has never been a fatal bear attack in Virginia. Bears can be dangerous to pets especially dogs that may alarm a bear or approach one. Two dogs in Harrisburg, VA were attacked by a bear in two spate incidents back in September 2020. Authorities remind people to not leave out pet food and to have garbage in sealed containers to keep bears away.

Are there any venomous snakes in Virginia?

Virginia is home to three venomous snakes. Over the past 30 years there have been less than 15 fatalities from snake bites in the state. Most snake bites in the state come from copperheads.

Copperhead: most common venomous snake in Virginia, lives in forested areas and tall grasses, tan with dark brown splotches and a copper-colored head, 2-3 feet longTimber rattlesnake: endangered species in the state, lives in the mountains and a small corner of southeastern Virginia, grey with black bands or all black with light markings, 2-5 feet longCottonmouth (Water Moccasin): only in the southeastern tip of the state, lives in marshy wetlands, black snake with faint markings and a white interior of its mouth, 2-4 feet long

Are venomous snakes the most dangerous animals in Virginia?

Venomous snakes are dangerous because their venom can cause pain, swelling, sweating, weakness, nausea and vomiting. If you are bitten by a snake you should seek immediate medical attention. In the US, medical facilities have access to antivenin to counteract the effects of venom. Although snakes are dangerous it is still rare for snake bites to be fatal. According to the CDC there are around 7,000-8,000 venomous snake bites per year in the US and of those only an average of 5 results in death. The best advice is to keep your distance from snakes and never try to pick one up.

What animals are in the rivers in Virginia?

Catfish: If you have a freshwater aquarium you may have one of the popular catfish in your tank. The Asian Stone Catfish is one of the smallest with the largest ones only getting to be 1.5 inches. Catfish have long whiskers that come out of their face just like cat whiskers. But what about some of the largest catfish? The Blue Catfish is one of the largest catfish species and those can be found in Virginia. The average size of a Blue Catfish is around 2 feet long, but some can reach 5 feet and weigh more than a hundred pounds!

How can Catfish be dangerous?

Besides there enormous size catfish are dangerous because they have venomous spines.  These spines that are on their dorsal and pectoral fins can stiffen and release venom that is quite painful. Catfish are not aggressive and will not seek out humans but if you are fishing for one be sure to wear proper gloves and be aware of the positioning of these giant fish. If you do get stung remove any spines and treat the area with warm water to clean the wound. Seek medical attention if needed.

Was the Biggest Catfish ever caught in Virginia?

Yes! According to the Guinness World Record the title of “Heaviest fish caught: catfish” goes to Richard Nicholas Anderson who caught a 143lb (Wow!) Blue Catfish at Kerr Lake, Buggs Island, Virginia. This record has stood for more than 10 years, dating back to June 18, 2011.

The 9 Most Dangerous Animals in Virginia

Now that you’ve seen what animals live in Virginia that can pose a threat to humans, here’s a list of the 9 most dangerous animals in the state:

Bull sharksGreat white sharksBlack bearsCopperheadsTimber rattlesnakesCottonmouth snakesCatfishBlack widow spidersBrown recluse spiders (only found near southwest border with Kentucky)