They won’t be holding the ball in their mouth, bagging for playtime all day. Another bonus is they’ll lounge near you during your daily activities. This means they won’t interrupt you as much as other breeds who think the only way they get attention is during playtime.  No matter the size of the dog you want, there will be a dog on this list that will fit the bill of your perfect lazy dog. Let’s find out which cuddly and lazy dog will be the best match for you!

1. Maltese

The Maltese are a peaceful breed of dog that enjoys cuddling with their owner and needs minimal activity (although they should still go for daily walks). Maltese can also be lively and playful but are still good lounge dogs.  They make fantastic security dogs and devoted friends despite their petite size. A Maltese is typically not a wise choice if you have young children as they can snap or nip at fingers. Maltese are not recommended for owners who spend a lot of time away from their pets because they are also known to have separation anxiety.  Their fur will require maintenance as needed depending on the length of their coat. Still, they make wonderful companions if you have the time to devote to them. Aside from brushing their hair, they are typically low maintenance. 

2. Basset Hounds

The Basset hound breed tends to be quite upbeat. Because they are outgoing and friendly, these droopy-faced dogs do not adapt well to being left alone for extended periods. When left outside alone, they frequently revert to howling or digging a hole.  They will also wail if they are left inside alone. When they are close to, and with their family, bassets are happiest. Even though these dogs are notoriously lazy, most are easily persuaded to go for walks.  Basset hounds have excellent endurance and will happily go for a lengthy stroll, even though they like to go at a leisurely pace. Just be ready to provide your canine friend with plenty of opportunities to stop and smell everything.

3. St. Bernard’s

Natural couch potatoes, Saint Bernards, prefer to snooze and lounge around the house. They also don’t need as much activity as most other dog breeds but shouldn’t be permitted to lounge around all day because they tend to be sedentary.  They still need to exercise, with experts recommending 30 minutes every day on average. If you choose a Saint Bernard, you should be prepared for a generally calm, relaxed, and quiet dog. They have an intuitive understanding of kindness, gentleness, and tolerance.  Generally speaking, they are eager to go outside and are frequently lively when you do; this is especially true with pups who have a higher degree of energy. It’s interesting how active Saint Bernard puppies are. Most of your time during the puppy phase will be spent attempting to soothe them down, so they do not damage themselves or become exhausted. They do grow into wonderful lazy dogs. 

4. The Great Pyrenees

The Great Pyrenees do not have a lot of energy. They have a reputation for being posh and composed, ruling the house as though they are in command. This is a long cry from many sheep herding dogs’ energy levels.  Of course, the Pyrenees require exercise to maintain their physical and mental fitness. Great Pyrenees dogs make devoted additions to a household. They are kind and friendly, especially with children, and they get very dedicated to people that make them feel comfortable and loved.  Most Great Pyrenees will regard family pets as part of their flock. However, they have strong reflexes to chase off non-family animals. Many Great Pyrenees are aggressive or dominative to canines they don’t know. 

5. English Bulldogs

Bulldogs don’t require much exercise because they are a passive breed. A straightforward, 30-minute stroll will do. Bulldogs struggle to swim because their enormous heads weigh them down. Make your bulldog can stand in the water if you take them swimming.  They don’t require much exercise, yet they still need it to avoid gaining unneeded additional weight. Bulldogs are inclined to put on extra weight. Your bulldog’s size, activity level, and age will affect how much you should feed him. English bulldogs adapt well to apartment life. Bulldogs are a peaceful and low-energy breed, and they sleep most of the time. They are the perfect canines for people who work long hours.

6. Cavalier King Charles Spaniels 

The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel needs exercise because it is a bit more energetic than the bulldog. However, they mostly like to cuddle up next to their owner. Cavaliers are ideal for people with backyards since they can easily keep themselves amused by sniffing around fences and plants.  They might even get the exercise they need by going for a little jog around the home. Therefore, exercising a Cavalier yourself won’t take much time. However, since they frequently forget when to stop walking, you might think about purchasing the best invisible dog fence. Cavaliers have one drawback—they need to be groomed. You will have to spend some time vacuuming dog hair because they shed. But keeping their hair trimmed shorter will reduce the shedding.

7. Pugs

Similar to the Bulldog, Pugs have breathing issues that prevent them from engaging in intense exercise. They will snort and cough as they sleep due to respiratory problems, making them susceptible to heat and humidity. However, they simply require a little stroll each day. Pugs are renowned for their playfulness and silliness. Therefore, while you are staying inside, your pug will still find ways to amuse you. However, you must exercise caution to prevent overfeeding because they are prone to obesity. Pugs are ideal for sluggish owners but are not a good choice for people frequently away from home. They might not require much activity, but they need a lot of care. They would rather be with their owners all the time.

8. Broholmers

The Broholmer is unsurpassed in being an excellent family dog because of his kind disposition. He may be large and appear somewhat scary, yet his character makes him compassionate and sympathetic.  When properly socialized, he is a pleasant dog who is not aggressive and looks over his family. Broholmer is a cuddler who will gladly hop on the couch and lie on top of you to get in some snuggling time. He gets along well with older children, adults, and other animals and makes the ideal addition to the family.  They are not recommended for small kids. Even though his vast size may make this a little challenging, the breed naturally seeks cuddles. They adore spending time with you and significantly need your love and attention.

9. Bullmastiffs

Although they don’t require much exercise, bullmastiffs should frequently exercise to stay trim and healthy. This breed can survive in a small city backyard because they are relatively relaxed and sedentary indoors.  Bullmastiffs enjoy the shade and air conditioning and dislike hot, humid weather. The bullmastiff might become a “couch potato” during the day and will readily adjust to apartment living if it is walked every morning and evening. This breed can also adapt to being left alone all day. Beyond the occasional brushing and regular toweling to remove the drool, bullmastiffs require little maintenance. This breed’s low-to-moderate shedder status is another positive trait.

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Dogs with low energy levels also typically have these more laid-back personality traits: they are more quiet and relaxed. These are great dogs for apartments and those who enjoy couch time with their pets. Can I make a high-energy dog lazy? Although physical activity can help expel excess energy, training sessions can give your dog the mental stimulation to exhibit subdued behavior. It’s much easier to accept your dog is high energy than to fight it.