An amusing video of a horse’s odd behavior that his family posted online has gone viral. As described by his people, Sven the Grulla Quarter Horse is shown in the video “racing through the woods with the dogs, kicking trees, farting, and simply having a terrific time.”  The horse trots by the humans and dogs before hitting a tree and sprinting back into the pasture, but not before sending out a loud fart! The footage uploaded to Youtube has now amassed over 32 million views!  One user comments and says, “​​A true cinematic masterpiece. When I read the title I was skeptical that the mythical kick, fart, and run could be crammed into just 25 seconds. But this horse delivered one of the most powerful maneuvers in the universe with such ease. What a specimen.” We couldn’t agree more! The animal owner goes on to say, “The dogs and horses are all great friends and play together often. While some viewers are concerned about the canines being near such a large animal, Yukon reassures them that they’re one big family. “Sven never hurts any of the dogs, they get along great, and he was just feeling frisky this day.” There is potential for a link between dogs and horses, according to a lot of research. When they play together, they can communicate by imitating each other’s actions. Teamwork between horses and dogs has already been shown while hunting and on farms.  The comments on Yukon’s original video make us laugh just as much as the horse farting. One person hilariously wrote, “This horse is a smart horse indeed. He stormed in with such grace and agility, and masterfully placed that kick right where it hurts most on a tree: the trunk. He then turns to flee the scene. Knowing his fuel is running low, he gives it his all and engages his afterburner. This extra thrust from the rear end allowed him to leave the scene quicker than he arrived. Amazing and flawless performance.” Both of them are companion animals that like company, so as long as they are courteous and well-behaved, there shouldn’t be any problems. Before you know it, Yukon could upload a video of all the animals running around and tooting for us all to enjoy. 

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