Here, we’ll learn more about roaches, and the signs of an infestation. Then, we’ll take a look at some of the best ways to get rid of cockroaches, including whether or not bug bombs are a good idea. Then, we’ll examine which cockroach killer may work best for you, and how to know when it’s time to hire an expert. Finally, we’ll dive deep into what attracts roaches to your home in the first place, and how to prevent them from invading.

What Is a Cockroach?

The word ‘cockroach’ comes from the Spanish ‘cucaracha’. These six-legged insects are interchangeably known as both cockroaches and roaches; they live all over the world, both in the wild, and in urban settings. Most cockroaches—99% of all species—never bother humans. But, around 30 species of roach are considered pestilential, and pose major problems when they infest buildings.

How Do You Know If You’ve Got a Cockroach Infestation?

If you’re thinking about finding the best cockroach killer, it’s important to know just how bad your roach infestation is. One of the first signs of an infestation is the presence of adult and baby cockroaches. Baby cockroaches, known as nymphs, are smaller, paler, wingless versions of the adults. Further signs include egg cases, which may be attached to the female roach’s rear end, or deposited under furniture and appliances. The presence of roach feces, stains, and bad smells also indicates an infestation. Often, you won’t see the roaches themselves unless you turn the lights on after dark; they’re nocturnal and prefer to come out to feed in the darkness.

The Best Ways to Get Rid of Roaches

The best cockroach killers are those that either kill the roach on sight, or poison it so that it dies later. If you have an infestation, one of your first options is to buy glue traps. These traps work by trapping the cockroach on sticky pads, so clean up of both the trap and the dead roach is easy.  Baited traps are also a good way to kill roaches; the roach eats the poisoned bait from the trap, goes back to its nest, and dies. Then, other cockroaches eat the poisoned roach, and become poisoned themselves. Insecticidal sprays are also an excellent cockroach killer. They work by killing the roach either on contact, or by getting onto its carapace, and later being ingested when the roach grooms itself. If you choose to use insecticides, use extreme caution; they’re toxic to both humans and pets.

Should You Use Bug Bombs Against Cockroaches?

If you find cockroaches in your home, you may be tempted to use a bug bomb to get rid of them. However, bug bombs are not a good cockroach killer, and should not be used for roach infestations. Instead, opt for other, more effective methods.

Which Cockroach Killer Is Best?

Determining which cockroach killer is best for you and your home depends on several factors. These include the severity of the infestation, the location of the roaches, the species of cockroach, and your own personal comfort level. If you would rather avoid spraying potentially harmful insecticides, you may want to opt for cockroach traps. These can easily be kept from pets and small children, but may take longer to clear out the infestation. Alternatively, you can spray insecticides in key areas of your home, like cracks, under-the-sink cabinets, and baseboards.  When it comes to finding the best cockroach killer, a combination of methods is usually best. Homeowners can use baited or glue traps in conjunction with insecticides and other products like boric acid. However, sometimes the infestation may become so severe that expert help is needed.

When to Hire a Professional Pest Exterminator

Hiring a professional is often the best choice when it comes to getting rid of a cockroach infestation. This is particularly true for homeowners that don’t want anything to do with the problem roaches. You may also want to hire a professional pest exterminator if the infestation is severe, or if you have any vulnerable individuals (like children or elderly people) in your home.  

What Attracts Roaches in the First Place?

Cockroaches are opportunistic scavengers; they’ll move in anywhere they smell a source of food. They’re particularly attracted to unwashed dishes, leftover food that’s been left out, and crumbs on the floor or in furniture.  Additionally, roaches like warm, dark, damp areas, and are particularly drawn to leaky pipes and cracks in walls that allow them entry to homes. One more thing cockroaches love are cardboard boxes—they both hide in them, and make a meal of them.

How to Prevent Cockroach Infestations

If you want to avoid having to find the best cockroach killers in the first place, then prevention is the name of the game. The easiest ways to prevent cockroach infestations include cleaning up all leftover food and dishes promptly, sweeping kitchen areas daily, and keeping your home free of clutter. Further, ensuring that all pipes are snug and leak free, and that there are no cracks in your home for roaches to crawl through, will also deter infestations.