If not, that’s okay. When it comes to Poodle hybrids like the Cavapoo and the Maltipoo, they have a lot in common. However, these are two unique dog breeds, and we’ve created this guide to show you just what makes them different.

Comparing Cavapoos and Maltipoos

Because both the Cavapoo and the Maltipoo come from a Poodle (that’s what the “poo” in their names is for!), they have a lot of similarities. However, there’s no denying that there are also differences.

The 5 Key Differences Between Cavapoos and Maltipoos

The key differences between Cavapoos and Maltipoos are parent breed, energy level, trainability, size, and noise level. While sharing a Poodle parent lends to many of the similarities between Cavapoos and Maltipoos, they’re not the same. Cavapoos are larger with a shorter coat and a longer life expectancy. They’re also much more laid-back and quiet, though both may be considered closer to “yappy” dogs than other breeds. Maltipoos have higher energy levels and need more exercise, and they’re prone to barking when they hear something out of the ordinary. However, this is just a glance at the differences that set the Cavapoo and the Maltipoo apart. While the noticeable distinctions may vary because they’re hybrid breeds and not purebred, there are many aspects that help show just how unique they are.

Cavapoo vs Maltipoo: Parent Breeds

The number one difference between the Cavapoo and the Maltipoo is their parent breeds. As hybrid or mixed breeds, these dogs are the offspring of two purebred dogs of different breeds. The Cavapoo is the offspring of a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel and a Poodle. This attributes to many of its defining points, such as its size and noise levels. However, the Maltipoo is the mixture of a Poodle and a Maltese.

Cavapoo vs Maltipoo: Energy Levels

When looking at most of the Poodle hybrids around, including the Cavapoo, they all tend to have a similar amount of energy. In fact, the Cavapoo is usually the oddball of the group with a slightly lower energy level, thanks to their laid-back personality. However, the Maltipoo is known for a higher amount of energy than most other Poodle hybrids and even some other purebred dogs. In fact, some individual Maltipoos have what we could consider a high energy level! And their surprising favorite way to burn energy? Fetch! Regardless of energy levels, though, you can expect to need to walk your dog regularly, both for exercise and bathroom needs. Maltipoos may need longer walks compared to their laid-back and relaxed counterparts.

Cavapoo vs Maltipoo: Trainability

If you’re looking for a dog to do agility courses, the Cavapoo and the Maltipoo probably aren’t your best option. However, the Maltipoo has a higher trainability than the Cavapoo. This is thanks to its high intelligence and desire to please. The Cavapoo can be trained, but it may require a bit more time and patience.

Cavapoo vs Maltipoo: Size

At a glance, it may not look like there’s a significant difference in size between the Cavapoo and the Maltipoo. And, since they’re both small breeds, this is partially true. However, while it may not be as notable as comparing a Chihuahua to a Great Dane, there is a difference between these two hybrids. On average, the Cavapoo’s minimum sizes for both height and weight are larger than the Maltipoo’s minimum sizes. The Cavapoo can also grow to be much larger. This is thanks to its Spaniel parent, which is larger than the Maltese.

Cavapoo vs Maltipoo: Noise levels 

Small dogs have a reputation for being yappy. While neither the Cavapoo nor the Maltipoo really falls into this category, the Maltipoo is definitely on the noisier side. Neighbors, doorbells, storms – if the Maltipoo perceives something out of the ordinary, it’s going to let you know. The Cavapoo is less likely to let you know if it notices something unusual. However, thanks to the Maltipoo’s high trainability, you can usually teach it what’s bark-worthy and what’s not.


While the Cavapoo and the Maltipoo have many similarities, including that they’re both Poodle hybrids, they’re not the same. It’s more subtle at a glance, but the Cavapoo is larger even then. The Cavapoo is also more laid-back with lower energy levels than the Maltipoo. Both dogs develop deep connections with their owners. If you’re looking to adopt one of these breeds, it’s important to consider which one is best for you and your lifestyle. Since the Maltipoo is more prone to barking, it “ll need more training to live in an apartment setting, even though its size makes it perfect. The Maltipoo is also more trainable than the Cavapoo, which is important to take into consideration. However, with the right training and time, both hybrid breeds can make the perfect addition to any family prepared to meet their needs.