The majority of alligators are opportunistic predators. Based on size and availability, they consume whatever is the simplest prey. Fish, fowl, turtles, snakes, amphibians, and mammals make up the majority of their food. The world knows pythons for their voracious appetites. The huge snakes have been discovered with the remnants of everything in their guts, from larger deer and impalas to spiky porcupines. Pythons have also been observed to face off against crocodiles and alligators. A Youtube channel with the name Ojatro uploaded a jaw-dropping video of a python and alligator facing off in the wild. The two animals are seen in the water in the Florida Everglades. The coiled-up snake starts to slowly swim its way over to the alligator.  With just the nose and mouth above the water, the snake isn’t quite sneaky enough. The alligator spots him and quickly changes position. Now with his giant mouth hanging open, the gator thinks he has the upper hand. In the blink of an eye, the snake lunges and digs its fangs into the gator’s snout.  The two start battling for their lives. The alligator begins trashing around in hopes to get part of the python’s body into his mouth. At the same time, the slithering snake starts wrapping his body around the giant apex predator.  One moment you think the gator is going to come out on top with the python’s body hanging out of his mouth until the snake begins strangling his prey. Winding the rest of his body through the gator’s mouth, the python is able to get away before the alligator makes one last attempt.  One comment mentions, “The alligator could end things instantly with a well-placed bite but if the python gets a solid wrap around it could also be lights out for the gator. It depends on the situation in many ways.” The way the python stares at the end says it all. It’s almost as if he’s saying, “See ya later, alligator!” I don’t know about you, but I spent the entire time watching this interaction on the edge of my seat. What happens in the wild is truly incredible. 

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What’s even more entertaining than a python and alligator duking it out? Watch more videos below: Grizzly casually sits next to a camera man, and he doesn’t even flinch – Talk about nerves of steel! Birds gang up on a snake and harass it constantly – The snake didn’t stand a chance against this gang of birds Woman comes frighteningly close to a gator while paddle-boarding – She has to fight it off more than once with her paddle