Health Benefits of Pomegranate for Dogs

Pomegranates are full of vitamins and nutrients like Vitamin C, fiber, folic acid, and potassium. They are also low in calories and high in antioxidants. Fiber can help keep your dog regular and boost your its overall immunity. Did you know that dogs can get sick just like people can? Feeding your dog pomegranates can help reduce that onset of a cold because they’re naturally high in Vitamin C. Because dogs use their noses to sniff things and explore the world, they are often exposed to a lot of germs and bacteria through the nose and mouth. Introducing foods like pomegranate can help lower the chances of your dog becoming sick when exposed to these germs, as their immune system will be stronger. Pomegranates have a moderate amount of calories (83 in 100 g of fruit). This is a little more than what you would find in apples. They contain no saturated fast or cholesterol, making them a heart healthy choice for a snack. They also contain the Ellagitannin compounds like Punicalagin and Granatin B which help decrease the risk of your dog developing heart disease by removing harmful substances from the body. These compounds are present in pomegranates in abundance. Another health benefit that pomegranates are known for are their antioxidants. Antioxidants can act as a preventive element against some types of cancers. The information is based on preliminary findings, but is very promising. Using fruit and other natural sources of vitamins like plants as a way to help prevent cancer is a time old measure for humans that our dogs can greatly benefit from and have benefited from in the wild. These fruits also make wonderfully healthy treats. If you’re looking for a substitute to commercial dog treats that you may be used to feeding your dog, pomegranates are a great choice. You only need to feed your dog a little bit of pomegranate in order for it to receive the health benefits. A little goes a long way. When you choose to feed certain human foods to your dog, it is important to take into account that their digestive systems are a bit different than ours and some foods that we may be able to handle with no issue, our dogs may not take to so well. Dogs can eat pomegranate in small amounts on an occasional basis as a treat. However, it is not advised that pomegranate be given to your dog as a part of its daily diet. There are even some supplements that are made for dogs that contain pomegranate juice. The antioxidant presence in pomegranates is what makes them an ideal ingredient in these supplements and also confirms the health benefits and safety of pomegranate for dogs. Sometimes these supplements will also contain juices from other berries as well.

Risks of Feeding Your Dog Pomegranate

There are not many risks associated with feeding your dog pomegranate. The main thing you’ll you’ll want to be ware of when it comes to feeding this fruit to your dog is that too much of it may lead to gastrointestinal issues. This is due to the fiber content of pomegranates. Too much fiber can lead your dog to develop an upset stomach, pain, or constipation. Therefore, if you plan on feeding some to your dog, always start off with small amounts and only give some as an occasional treat.

Ways to Feed Your Dog Pomegranate

There are a few different ways that you can serve pomegranate to your dog. Let’s take a quick look at some of the ways you can introduce the fruit to your dog:

Fresh: The simplest and easiest way to introduce pomegranate to your dog is by serving the seeds (the edible parts on the inside) fresh. You can drop a few pieces of them on the floor to see how your dog reacts to them. Chances are, your dog will love them and eat the seeds instantly. After you offer some of the fresh seeds, wait for a while an keep an eye on your dog to make sure that he doesn’t develop an upset stomach or seem to be in any signs of discomfort. If everything seems okay with your dog and there are no signs of gastrointestinal issues like vomiting, you can begin treating your dog to the seeds more often.

Mashed pomegranate: Since the edible part of the pomegranate is the internal seeds, you may want to mash them up to make it easier for your dog to eat them—especially if your dog is prone to eating too fast and choking. Mashing the pomegranate seeds up into a pulp can reduce the choking hazard and provide a safer way for your dog to eat the fruit. You can serve some of the mashed pomegranate on top of or mixed in with your dog’s usual healthy dog food if you want to add a boost of nutrition and flavor.

Mixed with other fruits or yogurt: Another way to feed your dog pomegranates is to mix up the fresh seeds with other fresh fruits that are safe for dogs (see our list below) and combine them with a plain yogurt. This combination makes a healthy, nutritious snack for your dog and when served cold, makes a refreshing summer treat.


Pomegranates make a healthy treat for dogs and are packed with beneficial vitamins and nutrients. As long as you introduce pomegranates to your dog slowly, there are generally not many risks involved with feeding your dog pomegranates.

Other Dog-Safe Fruits

BlueberriesStrawberriesMangosHoneydew melon