Plus, it’s fun to give your furry pal a snack or treat of human food once in a while. When they see you eating something tasty, they may want some. There is a sense of satisfaction in seeing your dog so happy after you have given them what they want. If you enjoy grapes, your pup may eye them too. You might think grapes are the perfect size for a treat. They are about the same size as many dog treats, and you might be tempted to use them for training purposes or something along those lines. Grapes are a sweet and fruity treat for humans, so it only makes sense that you would wonder if your dog would enjoy them. However, grapes pose a great threat to dogs and you should never feed grapes to them.

Can Dogs Eat Grapes?

No, dogs should never eat grapes. They are extremely toxic to dogs. Even eating just one grape could be fatal for a dog. If a dog eats as much as 1/3 of an ounce of grape per pound of body weight, it can lead to toxicity. Experts are not exactly sure what compound within grapes harms them, but eating a grape can lead to sudden kidney failure in dogs, which is a serious and sometimes deadly condition. Experts believe that some of what may cause the toxicity is the fact that dogs can not digest several chemical compounds found in grapes such as:


Grapes are toxic to all dog breeds at every age. All types of grapes are toxic to dogs, whether they are green or red. Dogs can not eat grapes if they have been peeled, if they are seedless, or if they are cooked. Do not give your dog any products with grapes in them, like grape jam or grape juice.

Symptoms of Grape Poisoning in Dogs

In dogs, ingesting grapes can cause:

Low appetiteLethargyWeaknessStaying stillVomitingDiarrheaAbdominal painDehydrationIncreased thirstEither increased urine output or lowered urine outputKidney failure

Symptoms of grape poisoning may show up within 24 hours after eating a grape. However, symptoms of kidney failure due to grape ingestion can take up to 48 hours to show up. The signs of kidney failure include:

Fish smelling breath (uremic breath)NauseaAbdominal pain

What To Do If Your Dog Ate a Grape

Contact your vet immediately if you think your dog has eaten a grape. They may tell you to induce vomiting in your dog as long as you are sure of what your dog has eaten, and your dog is conscious and breathing well. There is no antidote for grape ingestion in dogs. At the vet, your dog’s doctor may induce vomiting, give the dog activated charcoal to absorb toxins or place your dog under observation in case of kidney failure.

Don’t Forget About Raisins

Raising are just dried grapes and are just as poisonous to dogs as grapes. Do not allow your dog to eat grapes or raisins. If your dog has eaten a raisin, you should react the same way as if it had eaten a grape. Call your vet and follow their instructions.

How to Prevent Grape Poisoning in Dogs

The best way to prevent dogs from eating any food that is toxic to them is to prevent them from getting at it. Read all ingredients of any food you give your dog before you feed it to them. Make sure that people who come to your house know that grapes and raising are a no-no for your furry friend. Giving a dog a snack intended for humans can be fun, but the best way to make sure they stay grape-free is to only feed them dog food and dog-approved treats.

Other Fruits and Vegetables to Avoid Giving Your Dog

Some dogs do like a fruity snack one in a while, but dogs should never have:


Dog Fruit Treats to Enjoy

Dogs must avoid grapes, but there are some safer fruits they like to eat. Bananas, apples with the seeds removed, mangos without the pit, and pears are a perfect sweet treat to give your mutt. Other dog-safe fruits include:

BlackberriesBlueberriesCantaloupeCranberriesNectarines without the pitPeaches without the pitPineappleRaspberries in a limited amountStrawberriesSeedless watermelon without the rind

Fruit can be a great addition to any dog’s diet. However, it should only be given in moderation. Fruit often has more sugar than the things dogs typically eat. Too many fruity snacks could lead to an overweight dog. Remember, treats, including snacks made of “people food” should only account for 10% of your dog’s diet.

Learn More About What Fruits and Vegetables Dogs Can and Can’t Eat

Can Dogs Eat Blueberries, Are They Safe or Dangerous? Can Dogs Eat Tomatoes, Are They Poisonous or Safe? Yes, Dogs Can Eat Pineapples. Here’s Why Can Dogs Eat Carrots? The Risks and Benefits