Eggs are very nutritious for humans, so it is common in most of our diet. Be it boiled, poached, or scrambled eggs, it provides the necessary nutrients we need. However, dog owners are always careful about what they feed their dogs. Because they know feeding your dog with every food suitable for humans could potentially put your dog’s health at significant risk.  So, can dogs eat eggs? What benefits do they have? What are the risks involved? These are the questions many dog owners are curious to find answers to. Some people believe it is okay for dogs to consume eggs, while some don’t agree. Continue reading to find out everything you need to know. 

Can Dogs Eat Eggs? 

Yes, dogs can eat eggs. Eggs are very rich in protein, vitamins, and minerals that your dog needs for good living. The important thing is to make sure your dog consumes it safely and in moderation. 

What to Consider Before Feeding Your Dog With Eggs

It true that eggs are very safe for your dog’s consumption. However, it will help if you consider some factors before feeding your dog with eggs.  Firstly, your dog might be suffering from some underlying medical conditions that might make it dangerous to feed them with eggs. It’s always best to consult a trusted veterinarian before starting a new diet for your dog. Therefore, your vet has to give you the go-ahead before feeding your dog eggs.  Asides from this, different dogs react differently to foods and treats. In some cases, it’s been observed that some dogs are allergic to egg yolks. So it is advised that when eggs are being introduced to your dog for the first time, do it in small proportions. And be on the lookout for signs of allergy to be sure that eggs are suitable for your dog’s system. Some of those signs include: 

Frequent Vomiting DiarrheaDifficulty in breathingCoughing and Sneezing SwellingSluggishness 

If you notice any of these signs after feeding your dog with eggs, it is a clear indication that it doesn’t go well with your dog’s system. And it should be stopped immediately. If these signs persist after stopping, you should consult a veterinarian for proper evaluation.

Health Benefits of Feeding your Dog with Eggs

Eggs provide significant health benefits to dogs. Eggs are popularly known to be protein-rich, and dogs must be fed diets containing protein in great measure. The yolk in eggs is also rich in fatty acids and vitamins. Eggs contain: 

VitaminsFatty acids Amino acidsMinerals

The vitamins are essential as they aid metabolism and also strengthen your dog’s immune system as well as its development. Egg yolks majorly house all the essential vitamins and riboflavin, and folic acid.  Fatty acids majorly help build and maintain your dog’s body cells. Eggs contain both saturated and unsaturated fats, and the gastrointestinal tract is responsible for the breakdown and absorption of these fats for proper utilization.  Egg whites, yolks, and shells are affluent in minerals required for the proper functioning of your dog’s metabolism. These essential minerals include calcium (in shells), sodium, potassium, iron, selenium, manganese, magnesium, etc.  One good thing about eggs is that they have high protein and low-calorie levels. And this makes it perfect for your dog that needs more protein in its diet. Amino acids are structural forms of protein that help build your dog’s muscles and repair wear and tear in bone tissues. This protein makes eggs suitable for older dogs prone to wear and tear due to age.  Generally, eggs help keep your dog strong and energetic throughout the day because it boosts energy. 

Side Effects of Feeding Your Dog Eggs

There are just a few and not too severe side effects of feeding your dog eggs. Even though these side effects show up once in a while, you must know about them if you intend to feed your dog eggs.  The first one that makes many dog parents skeptical about feeding their dogs eggs is digestive upset. Eggs contain an enzyme inhibitor that sometimes leads to digestion irregularities in dogs. It is often advised not to make eggs an everyday component of your dog’s meal. As long as your dog doesn’t eat eggs consistently, you don’t need to worry much about this.  Also, eggs are relatively high in cholesterol, and cholesterol might cause an increase in the blood cholesterol level in your dog. So to avoid problems for your dog, make sure you feed your dog eggs in moderation. 

How Many Eggs Can a Dog Eat? 

Dogs are most times fed based on size and breed. This rule also applies to feeding your dog with eggs. Every week, dog breeds with small sizes should eat one egg weekly; the breeds with medium sizes should eat about two eggs weekly. The breed with larger sizes should be given about three eggs weekly. 

Can Dogs Eat Raw Eggs? 

Your dogs won’t reject any egg you feed them, no matter the form. Be it cooked, raw, or scrambled, your dog will gladly accept it. However, it is often advised that dogs should be fed with cooked eggs rather than raw eggs. Your dog won’t absorb protein from raw eggs as well as it will from cooked eggs.  Asides from this, raw eggs will most likely expose your dog to a bacteria known as salmonella. This bacteria is what causes Salmonellosis. Some common signs of Salmonellosis include: 


Raw eggs could also cause biotin deficiency because raw eggs contain avidin. Avidin is an enzyme that limits the rate at which the body absorbs biotin. 

Can Dogs Eat Egg Shells? 

Yes, dogs can eat eggshells. Egg shells are very healthy for dogs because it is an excellent source of calcium, phosphorus, and protein for your dog. Calcium is much needed to strengthen bones and teeth. These nutrients are why eggshells are suitable for older dogs.  However, it is best to crush the egg shells into a fine and smooth form before feeding them to your dog. Feeding your dog with shells without grinding them could lead to digestive problems, especially for smaller dogs. 

Other Proteinous Foods You Can Also Feed Your Dog

There are other proteinous food alternatives that you can feed your dog with rather than giving it foods that will place it in the danger zone. They include: 

LobsterPeanut Butter


So in all, feeding your dog with eggs is very beneficial to their health. But must be done in moderation and with the proper guidance of a trusted veterinarian.  Yes, puppies can eat eggs just like adults. Puppies also need the nutritional content of eggs for proper development. However, do well to consult a veterinarian before you start feeding your puppy with eggs.   Can Dogs Be Allergic To Eggs? Yes, some dogs are allergic to eggs. Hence, it would be best to look for allergy symptoms, especially when introducing your dog to eggs.   How Many Eggs Should a Dog Eat?  Dogs eat based on their size and breed. Small dogs can eat one egg weekly, medium-sized dogs can eat two eggs weekly, while the larger dogs can eat up to three eggs weekly.