Is it Safe for Dogs to Eat Beans?

Yes, It is safe for dogs to eat beans. Dogs are omnivorous, which means they have evolved to eat both animal and plant matter. Their diet is quite similar to that of their human owners. Generally, it is considered to include various beans as part of your dog’s healthy diet. However, there may be some exceptions to this rule and specific things to keep in mind in serving beans to your dog.  Beans are a high-fiber food that is rich in nutrients like Vitamins A, K, and C. They also contain protein and manganese. This makes beans a rich food to include in your dog’s diet. The fact that beans are rich in fiber also means this food is unlikely to cause a spike in blood sugar levels.  However, just like in humans, feeding your dog beans too frequently can lead to flatulence and constipation. Also, beans should be cooked properly before they are fed to dogs. Uncooked beans contain a chemical compound that can be toxic to dogs. It is also important to note that not all varieties of beans are safe for dogs. You should get familiar with the types of beans that are safe and which ones aren’t. 

9 Types of Beans That Are Safe For Dogs 

There are many varieties of beans that are safe for dogs to eat. You can cook small amounts of these bean varieties for your dog since they’re mostly safe. 

4 Types of Beans That Are Most Dangerous for Dogs

While the bean varieties highlighted above are generally safe for dogs, some types of beans are potentially toxic. Some should be avoided entirely, and some should be included carefully in your dog’s diet. The following are the types of beans that should not be included in your dog’s food: 

How To Add Beans To Your Dog’s Diet

Although beans are safe for dogs to eat, certain precautions are necessary when feeding foods normally meant for humans to canines. Some of the precautions to note to safely feed beans to your dog include: 

Wash the beans thoroughly and ensure they are properly cooked before serving them to your dog. The only variety of bean dogs can eat in its raw form is green beans. You should mash the beans after cooking before serving them to your pet. This aids digestion and releases nutrients faster.To cook dry beans, soak them overnight in water and rinse severally before cooking begins. Do not add seasoning or salt to beans meant to be served for your dog. It is a best-served plain. This also means you should not give your dog beans from your own plate since it is likely to cause gastrointestinal upset for your dog. Canned beans are unhealthy for dogs. However, if you must eat it, you must rinse it in running water before serving it. This helps to get rid of the excess salt, making it healthier to serve. Beans can be mixed with other veggies and fruits for your dog. You can check out healthy food recipes that incorporate beans as an ingredient. 

It is best to keep all of these potentially toxic bean varieties away from your dog. There’s nothing much to worry about if your dog eats a small amount of any of these beans. For the most part, they’ll only cause indigestion, stomach upset, or vomiting. However, if you suspect your dog has ingested large amounts of dry beans or any toxic varieties, you should visit a vet’s office immediately. 


Before introducing any new food to your dog’s diet, it is always advisable to consult with your vet. This is particularly important for dogs with specific medical conditions that may make certain foods unsafe to eat. Although beans are generally safe for dogs, you should still speak to your vet about any changes you’re making to your dog’s diet. 

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