So this pops the question: Can dogs eat apples? The simple answer is yes, dogs can eat certain parts of apples.  Some parts of apples are safe for dogs to eat, while the other parts can be harmful to them. Apples are suitable nutritious snacks for dogs. Apples nourish the body with vitamin C, which is essential for the adequate functioning of the immune system. They’re also fortified with high-energy nutrients and fibers, which are beneficial to a dog’s wellbeing. In this article, we will be going over various things you should keep in mind before giving your dog apples to eat.

Can All Dogs Eat Apples?

Yes, all breeds of dogs can eat apples. Virtually all species of apples you come across are safe for dogs to eat. Be it Gala, Fuji, Honeycrisp, Jonagold, or any other species, as long as it’s an apple, it’s safe for your dog to eat. Additionally, apples are also safe for puppies to eat. Moreover, you should try as much as you can to stick to organic apples. Most of the apples in the supermarkets are usually daubed with substances that make them look fresher. Also, wash the apples under running water before slicing to get rid of any pesticide left on its body. Another vital thing to note is your dog’s reaction to apples. Your dog might be allergic to apples. Allergic reactions can be life-threatening in some instances. So, if your dog exhibits signs of an allergic reaction, such as sneezing, coughing, difficulty breathing, and swelling, after eating apples, you should stop giving them apples and consult your veterinary doctor immediately.

What Should You Look Out for When Feeding Your Dogs Apples?

You can feed your dogs with fresh apple slices, and you don’t have to peel off the skin. These are the suitable parts of apples that you can feed your dog.  The main parts to look out for are the apples seeds and cores. It would be best if you didn’t let your dogs eat this. You, as a person, shouldn’t eat the cores and seeds of apples. Here’s why; apple seeds contain a minute amount of a toxic substance called cyanide. Cyanides are poisonous to both human beings and dogs. Taking one or two seeds of an apple won’t cause cyanide poisoning. However, when dogs eat several apple seeds within a short period, there’s a possibility they’ll come down with cyanide poisoning. So to avoid risking your dog’s health, remove the seeds of the apple before feeding it to them Also, the stems of apples might not be edible for dogs, so it would help if you removed the stems of the apples before giving them to your dog. The core of apples is not edible for dogs too. Due to its firmness, dogs can have difficulty swallowing it if they chew it. So it would help if you also cut it out. We can all attest to the fact apples contain sugar. And lodging too much sugar in the body is hazardous. So it would help if you were moderate when it comes to feeding your dogs with apples. The high sugar content can cause your dog to have diarrhea, diabetes, and even cancer.

What About Apple Products?

Usually,  products that contain apples often entail other artificial flavors, sugars, and chemicals. Some of these products can contain substances that are hazardous to dogs. In addition, your dog might be allergic to some of the constituents.  You should avoid products with sweeteners that you’re not familiar with; they might be toxic. Ensure that you peruse the labels of any artificial product before serving them to your dog. Other products obtained from apples, such as applesauce, apple juice, and apple chips, contain fewer nutrients than organic apples.  Also, these products might be deficient in certain aspects.  For instance, apple chips have no water content and fibers, but it has more sugar. Apple juice and sauce have no fiber, but they contain sugar and water.

Can Apples Cause Dental Problems in Dogs?

Another concern of dog owners is if apples cause damage to their dog’s teeth due to their sugar content. It’s improbable for apples to cause tooth problems for dogs. The water content in the apple will neutralize the effect of the sugar by washing it off. Additionally, the apple skins can clean the teeth due to their texture.

Health Benefits of Apples to Dogs

As it turns out, apples are beneficial to the health of dogs and puppies, and here are some of their health benefits: Apples are enriched with vitamin A and C. Vitamin A fortifies the dog’s immune system. Vitamin C helps in the development of strong bones and muscles in dogs. Also, the peels of apples are rich in fibers. This aids the digestion of dogs and provides dogs with a healthy weight. Although fibers do not provide dogs with energy, their presence in the dog’s diet can improve their GIT functions and prevent diarrhea and constipation. The fibers in apples contain a substance called Pectin. Pectin reduces the rate at which the blood absorbs sugar after a meal. As a result, it helps to prevent diabetes. Furthermore, apples are a good source of antioxidants. Antioxidants are compounds that neutralize free radicals in the body. Free radicals are harmful compounds that build-up due to various chemical reactions going on in the body. Antioxidants ensure proper bone development, confer good eyesight and prevent chronic diseases.

What to Do if Your Dog Consumes the Unsafe Parts of an Apple

If you find out that your dog has eaten many apple seeds due to carelessness, inducing vomit might be your best resort, especially if you can’t access the veterinarian. Nevertheless, inducing vomit must be done under the instruction of a veterinary doctor. Firstly,  inform your veterinarian. It’s always advisable that you get a vet’s approval before you induce vomiting. If you live close to your vet, you should probably take your dog to the vet’s office for the vomit to be induced because your veterinarian has better, safer, and less irritating methods of upsetting a dog’s stomach. But in a situation where you don’t have time to get to the vet’s office, and the vet permits you, you should do it. It would be best if you were time conscious. It’s best to induce vomiting in a dog within 3 hours after ingesting the apple seeds.

Household Method of Inducing Vomit in Dogs

Hydrogen peroxide is the only household product appropriate for inducing vomit in dogs. But if the dog looks unconscious or dizzy, do not induce the vomit. If your dog shows these signs, it can inhale the substance the wrong way and suffocate.  To begin the process, feed your dog a small amount of food. This helps to delay the absorption of the apple seeds. After that, use an eyedropper to give your dog some drops of a solution of 3% hydrogen peroxide. The 3% hydrogen peroxide should still be fizzy; else, it won’t be effective. Your vet should instruct you on the exact amount of drops to use. The peroxide solution has an unpleasant taste and will make the dog’s mouth foam. This solution usually causes your dog to throw up in less than 5 minutes. However, if your dog doesn’t vomit after 15 minutes of administering the peroxide solution, ask your vet to instruct you on what to do. If this works the way you expect it to, you should take your dog to the vet as soon as you can. In previous years, Ipecac syrups and salts were used to induce vomiting in a dog. But these had debilitating side effects. Besides causing heart diseases, it also results in an enlarged brain due to salt poisoning.

How to Serve Apples to Dogs

After getting the apples from your vegetarian, watch the fruits thoroughly. Then remove the stems, seeds, and cores. Then chop the apple into moderate-sized slices. If you like, you can freeze the slices or serve them that way. You can add these slices to your dog’s food for a sweet treat. Alternatively, you can smash the apple slices to make applesauce. Applesauce is safe for your dog to eat if it is unsweetened, and it should be fed to them in moderate quantities. Likewise, you can freeze the applesauce and serve it to your dog on a hot day. Apples can also be blended to make a delicious smoothie. Apples can be used for several dog treat recipes, so try out some of them and see which one suits your dog.

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The best way to deal with a problem is to prevent the problem from happening. So, ensure the apples are safe before your dog consumes them. And if your dog eats the harmful parts of an apple, do not hesitate to take them to the veterinarian.