Remember that there are several bullfrog and toad species, so it’s a little hard to make sweeping generalizations. That being said, we’ve come up with concepts that hold up well across the various species. Without further ado, let’s take a look at the major differences between these animals.

Comparing a Bullfrog and a Toad

The 5 Key Differences Between a Bullfrog vs Toad

The greatest differences between a bullfrog and a toad include their skin texture and morphology. Bullfrogs have wet and slimy skin to prevent desiccation along with textured, somewhat bumpy skin, but toads tend to have dry, bumpy, and warty-looking skin. Bullfrogs have teeth, long back legs, and webbed feet, but toads are short and squat, possess shorter legs, have no teeth, and frequently lack the webbed feet seen in bullfrogs. These are major differences that you can see just by looking at the creatures. Yet, these amphibians have other unique qualities, too. We’ll examine and compare five key areas of these animals below.

Bullfrog vs Toad: Colors

Toads are more colorful than bullfrogs. The average American bullfrog usually has brown, various shades of green and dark spots on its dorsal side. Their ventral side has lighter colors such as light green, white, yellow, or even a light gray. Toads appear in many colors like brown, dark brown, gray, and green. However, they also feature aposematism; bright skin colors that warn other animals that they possess a type of poison. After all, toads are poisonous, and they secrete this toxin through their skin.   Their skin can be bright red or yellow to show other animals that they need to leave them alone. Your best bet is to not handle these creatures if you don’t know what type of frog it is.

Bullfrog vs Toad: Skin Texture

Toads have very warty, bump, and dry skin, and bullfrogs have slimy, textured, less-bumpy skin. Toads can live without being in the water, so they’re rarely as wet as bullfrogs which stave off desiccation by covering their body in a coating of mucus. Toads have a lot of bumps and wart-like protrusions on their bodies, especially their parotoid glands that secrete bufotoxins. These parotoid glands are usually located behind the toad’s large eyes, and they look like two extra-large warts. The structures are not found in bullfrogs, though.

Bullfrog vs Toad: Morphology

Bullfrogs have a leaner body than toads, and they also possess longer back legs. Toads have a short and squat body along with short legs that they use to hop around rather than leap long distances. Moreover, toads tend to walk rather than hop at all. Bullfrogs definitely hop more frequently and for greater distances than toads. That’s not the only difference between these animals’ morphology, though. The bullfrog has webbed feet, while the toads generally do not. Also, bullfrogs have teeth, small though they may be. Toads do not have any teeth.

Bullfrog vs Toad: Habitat

As we said before, bullfrogs need to be near a body of water to survive. If they become dried out, they will die. That’s why you will find these creatures near permanent water fixtures such as lakes, swamps, and ponds. They have no qualms about going to manmade bodies of water, either. Toads do not need to be near bodies of water, but they often remain close to them. They live on land, but they return to the water when it’s time to breed. So, you will still see bullfrogs and toads in the same areas, but you’re more likely to see a bullfrog near water than a toad.

Bullfrog vs Toad: Scientific Classification

Lastly, bullfrogs and toads belong to different scientific families. The so-called “true toads” belong to the Bufonidae family and have over 30 genera of toads included in them. However, the bullfrog is part of the Ranidae family. Specifically, they are members of the Lithobates genus. Overall, these amphibians are somewhat closely related, but it’s easy to tell them apart on a phylogenetic tree. Bullfrogs and toads may look similar in some cases, but it’s relatively easy to tell them apart. Their morphology and skin are a dead giveaway, and their colorations also help. A quick and easy way to start questioning if an amphibian is a toad or a bullfrog is just by looking at their feet to see if they’re webbed or not. From there, consider their body type, texture, and how they move! You’ll spot differences in no time!