A buffalo had the bright idea that instead of taking a different route, he’d walk through a pride of 23 lions. This incredible encounter occurred on the Ngala Private Game Reserve in the Greater Kruger and was witnessed by scouts and some tourists.  The world-famous Kruger National Park is South Africa‘s largest wildlife refuge and one of the largest game reserves in the world. The area is abundant with animals and was the first private game reserve to be integrated into the Kruger National Park. With game drives guided by knowledgeable ranger and tracker teams, the reserve provides a close-up encounter with African wildlife. A video from the popular animal Youtube channel, Latest Sightings, shows a buffalo stepping out of the water toward 23 lions. It doesn’t take more than a few roars before the giant buffalo runs back into the water to safety. Thinking he can outsmart the lions, he watches them as he slowly gets back out of the water.  One of the guides on the trip states, “We had been tracking the Birmingham lion pride on foot and stumbled across their babies. While walking back to the vehicle, we heard a buffalo bellowing as if being taken down. Of course, we rushed in the direction of the commotion and found the lions taking down the buffalo.” Several of the lions chase after the buffalo, following him over the top of a large hill. The next thing we see isn’t the easiest to watch. The buffalo is surrounded by lions as they begin to attack and jump all over him.  It doesn’t take long for these apex predators to bring the buffalo to the ground and take over. While it’s somewhat gruesome to see, it’s a rare look at mother nature for the tourists watching in person.  Something particularly spectacular about this video is that you’ll see two white lions join in on the meal. There are only three documented wild white lions in the entire world and two of them are seen in this footage. It’s absolutely incredible.  You’d think an animal as large as a buffalo would keep a pride of lions full for a long time. Due to the number of cats in this particular pride, the carcass was devoured by the afternoon.  What do you think you’d do if you spotted this on a safari? It’d be quite the story to tell and we’re thankful someone captured this jaw-dropping footage for us to see! 

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