However, we’re going to delve deeper into the various aspects of these cats and show you how they are alike and how they are different.  

Comparing a British Shorthair and a Russian Blue Cat

The Key Differences Between a British Shorthair vs Russian Blue Cat

The greatest differences between a British Shorthair and a Russian Blue cat include their head shape, morphology, and eye color. The British Shorthair is a compact-bodied cat with a round, wide head with large jowls and copper eyes. The Russian Blue cat has a slender body with a thin tail, a wedge-shaped head, and emerald green eyes. These are very noticeable differences, but there are more nuances to them. We’ll dig deeper into the unique qualities of these wonderful pets.

British Shorthair vs Russian Blue Cat: Size

The British Shorthair is a heavier cat compared to the Russian Blue cat. The British Shorthair can weigh up to 16 pounds, especially in males. Moreover, they can grow 14 inches in height and measure 25 inches in total body length. The Russian Blue cat weighs between 7 and 12 pounds since it is a slenderer breed. These cats can reach 10 inches in height, and they measure a total of 18 inches long at their utmost.

British Shorthair vs Russian Blue Cat: Head Shape

The British Shorthair is known for having a round, wide head with large eyes along with pronounced jowls. This is a sharp contrast to the Russian Blue cat, a critter with a wedge-shaped, triangular head with a broad forehead. Just looking at the cats’ heads can help you tell the difference between these two breeds.

British Shorthair vs Russian Blue Cat: Ears

The Russian Blue cat has large, pointy ears that are somewhat high on its head. However, the British Shorthair has broad, round ears that suit its head shape.

British Shorthair vs Russian Blue Cat: Eye Color

The Russian Blue Cat is known for having beautiful green eyes. However, the British Shorthair has eyes that vary in color, but copper is the most well-known color that these kitties develop.

British Shorthair vs Russian Blue Cat: Body Morphology

The British Shorthair and Russian Blue cat have very different body types. Russian Blue cats have a slender body that features a fairly long, thin tail. However, the British Shorthair is compact and has a thick, stocky body with a thick tail. This cat can weigh a fair amount despite its relatively small body, and its plush fur contributes to an overall sense of a large cat.  

British Shorthair vs Russian Blue Cat: Place of Origin

These cats’ places of origin are simple to discern. The British Shorthair has its origins in Great Britain, and the Russian Blue cat is from a part of Russia.

British Shorthair vs Russian Blue Cat: Fur Type

The British Shorthair cat has a single coat of dense fur that can make people think it is a double coat of fur. It has very plush fur that is often described as having a crisp texture. The fur tends to be blue-gray in the most recognizable form, but their fur can also be red, cream, and silver. The Russian Blue cat has a double coat of fur. The fur coat is blue, gray, and black, which provides an overall blue color. However, the fur coat also has guard hairs that end in silvery tips. That can give this beautiful cat a shimmering appearance when it is moving and in the light.

British Shorthair vs Russian Blue Cat: Lifespan

Fortunately, both of these cats are known for their longevity. The British Shorthair can live anywhere between 14 and 20 years, and the Russian Blue cat can live from 15 to 20 years. These cats will be around for a while.

British Shorthair vs Russian Blue Cat: Personality

The Russian Blue cat is known for being an intelligent and energetic cat. It’s possible to teach them some tricks. These cats vary a great deal in terms of their behavior towards others, but they are usually wary of newcomers. The British Shorthair is described as playful and easygoing. Yet, it does not like to be picked up, and it’s usually not a lap cat. Nevertheless, they are still great pets that behave well in the presence of other people. All told, the British Shorthair and Russian Blue cat are both great gray cats, but they are very different from each other. Their looks, behavior, and origins are very different from one another. Still, they both make good companions in their own ways.