In this article, we will compare and contrast the size differences between the elephant and the blue whale so that you can gain a true understanding of just how large both of these animals are. In addition, we will go over what they eat and what potential predators they have in their respective environments. Let’s get started and learn more about these animals now! 

Comparing Blue Whale vs Elephant

Key Differences Between Blue Whale vs Elephant

There are a number of key differences between the size of the blue whale and the size of the elephant. Depending on the species of elephant, they can weigh anywhere from two to 8 tons, while the blue whale weighs over 100 tons on average. In addition, the blue whale is much longer than the average elephant, regardless of the elephant species in question. Let’s discuss all of these differences and other comparisons in more detail now. 

Blue Whale vs Elephant: Length and Height

When it comes to the overall length and height of both the blue whale and the elephant, you will notice some significant differences right off the bat. For example, the blue whale is significantly longer than the average elephant, despite the fact that the elephant is almost as tall as the average blue whale. Regardless, let’s take a closer look at the figures now.  Depending on the species of elephant, they can reach anywhere from 18 to 24 feet in length, while the blue whale averages anywhere from 80 to 100 feet in length. In addition, the blue whale only reaches a maximum height of 15 feet, while the elephant reaches 10 to 13 feet tall, if not slightly more depending on the species and gender of the elephant. 

Blue Whale vs Elephant: Weight

While the elephant may be large, there is no competition when it comes to the weight of the blue whale versus the weight of the average elephant. The blue whale weighs significantly more than any elephants on this planet, but by how much exactly? Let’s check it out!  Depending on the species of elephant, it can weigh anywhere from two to 8 tons or a maximum of twenty thousand pounds, while the average blue whale weighs 100 tons or more. This is a significant difference in the weights of these two creatures, and there’s simply no competition when it comes to the size of the blue whale. It is simply enormous, even though elephants are plenty large to begin with! 

Blue Whale vs Elephant: Diet

You may be asking yourself: what do these two creatures eat in order to reach these huge sizes? While the answer may surprise you, both the blue whale and the elephant consume a fairly simplistic diet compared to a variety of other creatures, and they are both capable of eating a huge amount of food in a single day.  Depending on the species of elephant, they prefer to eat a variety of vegetation, including grass, leaves, and fruit, while the blue whale primarily feeds on plankton, krill, and other crustaceans. To put things into perspective, the average blue whale can eat over 16 tons of plankton a day, while the average elephant eats only 400 pounds of food or less a day. 

Blue Whale vs Elephant: Predators

Given the very large sizes of both of these beautiful creatures, you may be wondering if they have any predators in the natural world. The good news is, blue whales and elephants have very few natural predators, because of their size and fearsome power. However, humans remain the biggest threats to both blue whales and elephants around the world.  When it comes to the offspring of both the blue whale and the elephant, these species need to worry about predators targeting their young. For example, the blue whale faces threats from orcas or killer whales when it comes to their young, and the baby elephant faces threats from hyenas, lions, and other large cats. Both of these large animals live in pods or groups of their own kind as a form of protection for their young as they grow.

Blue Whale vs Elephant: Size Comparisons

Now that you have some idea as to the size of both the blue whale and the size of the elephant, you may be wondering how their sizes compare to things existing in our world today. To put things into perspective, the average blue whale is roughly two-and-a-half school buses long, while the average elephant weighs as much as 2-4 cars, depending on the species.  There’s nothing quite like the majesty and awe-inspiring beauty of both the blue whale and the elephant, especially when you consider just how large they actually are!