The video starts with an open view of a nature scene with a narrow dirt road running through the grass, and downed trees, and up into a hill where more trees can be seen lining the backdrop. It’s a hazy day, with light gray skies and clouds that keep the sun from shining through. A man can be heard walking, breaking twigs beneath his feet as he keeps recording ahead. There are droplets of water on the top of his camera, which limit visibility. He turns and the camera pans to his left just before he crouches down with his bow and arrow in hand. Up until this moment, the black bear wasn’t visible. However, as the man takes a pause, you can see a slight dark spot moving in the center of the screen. You can’t quite make out what it is from this distance, but it appears the man has spotted the bear and is staying still. The bear continues to approach, and the man makes a few slight adjustments to his positioning just before wiping the lens of his camera and preparing himself with bow and arrow in hand. The bear keeps approaching until it’s only a few yards away—it looks around, spots the man, and quickly picks up speed, headed right toward him. The man, in obvious distress, begins yelling at the bear maniacally. He manages to bring up the arrow facing the bear, but it all happens too quickly. His screaming is filled with terror as the bear rapidly approaches him. You can see he’s a bit destabilized and attempting to retreat backward as the bear lunges at him. The man puts out his bow in defense as the bear lands on him. The camera falls and all you can see is a small puddle in the dirt that reflects a blinking red light from the camera. A few tense seconds go by before the man picks up his camera. He immediately starts running away from the scene of the attack. The man records himself as he makes his way out of the area and comments “I should have seen it a long time ago… scared me to death!” He lets out a few relieved giggles as he looks behind his shoulder to make sure he’s gotten away safely. We too sighed with relief when we realized that the man survived this crazy black bear encounter.

Up next: Check out some other tense bear encounters in the wild

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