In this article, we will discuss everything you need to know about both the bernedoodle and the Bernese mountain dog so that you can learn how to tell these two distinct breeds apart. In addition, we will go over their ancestries and behavioral differences in case you are interested in adopting either of these two fantastic dogs. Let’s get started now! 

Comparing Bernese Mountain Dog vs Bernedoodle

Key Differences Between Bernese Mountain Dog vs Bernedoodle

There are many key differences between the Bernese mountain dog and the bernedoodle. The Bernese mountain dog grows larger than the bernedoodle in weight but not in height. Additionally, the bernedoodle comes in a variety of colors compared to the standard colors of the Bernese mountain dog. Finally, the bernedoodle lives a much longer lifespan on average compared to the Bernese mountain dog.  Let’s discuss all of these differences in more detail now. 

Bernese Mountain Dog vs Bernedoodle: Size

One of the ways you can easily tell a bernedoodle apart from a Bernese mountain dog is through their sizes. While the bernedoodle grows taller than the Bernese mountain dog occasionally, the Bernese mountain dog weighs more than the average bernedoodle. Let’s take a closer look at these figures now.  Depending on gender, the average Bernese mountain dog reaches 22 to 27 inches tall, while the average bernedoodle reaches 12 to 29 inches tall. Additionally, depending on the size of the poodle that it has been crossed with, the bernedoodle ranges in weight from 10 to 90 pounds, while the Bernese mountain dog ranges in weight from 80 to 110 pounds. 

Bernese Mountain Dog vs Bernedoodle: Appearance

There are a number of similarities in the appearance of the Bernese mountain dog and the appearance of the bernedoodle. However, the fur of the Bernese mountain dog is thicker and straighter compared to the fur of the bernedoodle. Depending on the amount of poodle DNA present in the bernedoodle, it may have an extremely wavy or curly coat compared to the average Bernese mountain dog.  In addition, the bernedoodle comes in more colors on average compared to the strict breed standards of the Bernese mountain dog. Finally, the paws of the Bernese mountain dog are much larger compared to the bernedoodle, as it uses its large feet to traverse snowy fields and climates. Let’s talk more about their ancestry and breeding now. 

Bernese Mountain Dog vs Bernedoodle: Ancestry and Breeding

As you no doubt guessed already, the bernedoodle is a cross between the Bernese mountain dog and the poodle, while the Bernese mountain dog is a purebred breed recognized by the AKC. This makes the Bernese mountain dog a much older dog breed on average compared to the bernedoodle, as they date back more than 2,000 years, and the bernedoodle originated in the early 2000s.  One of the main reasons that the bernedoodle was bred in the first place was to create a dog with the temperament of the Bernese Mountain Dog but with a much longer life span. Additionally, the Bernese mountain dog was originally bred for farm work, while the bernedoodle has always been a hypoallergenic companion animal. 

Bernese Mountain Dog vs Bernedoodle: Behavior

There are not very many behavioral differences between the Bernese mountain dog and the bernedoodle. However, the Bernese mountain dog has a higher level of energy compared to the average bernedoodle, which makes them unsuited for certain lifestyles or family situations. Additionally, the bernedoodle tends to bond with the whole family, while the average Bernese mountain dog prefers to bond with a single person more than others. 

Bernese Mountain Dog vs Bernedoodle: Lifespan

A primary difference and the final difference between the Bernese mountain dog and a bernedoodle has to be their life spans. The bernedoodle lives a much longer lifespan than a Bernese mountain dog, which is one of the reasons why it was originally bred. Let’s take a closer look at those figures now. Depending on the health and breeding of the individual dog, the average Bernese mountain dog lives 6 to 8 years, while the bernedoodle lives anywhere from 13 to 16 years. With adequate nutrition and plenty of exercise, both of these dog breeds can live their best lives, though the bernedoodle will always live longer compared to the average Bernese mountain dog.