In this article, we will give you all of the information you need to know in order to tell bananas and apples apart. We will go over their physical descriptions as well as what they are typically used for, and we will even give you the answer to which fruit is more popular. If you are curious about whether the banana or the apple is more nutritionally dense, read on to learn more! 

Comparing Banana vs Apple

Key Differences Between Banana vs Apple

There are a number of key differences between bananas and apples, in case you hadn’t already guessed. For example, the shape of the banana is different from the shape of an apple. Flavor-wise, both of these fruits have a natural sweetness, but some varieties of apples are sour compared to some varieties of bananas. Finally, apples are a more popular fruit worldwide compared to the popularity of bananas.  Let’s check out all of these differences and a few more in detail now. 

Banana vs Apple: Classification

While they are both fruits, bananas and apples belong to different plant families and have very different genuses from one another. For example, bananas belong to the Musa genus, while apples belong to the Malus genus. While there are countless varieties of both of these fruits, particularly apples, their genuses remain different from one another.

Banana vs Apple: Description

It’s easy to tell an apple apart from a banana, based on their physical description. For example, bananas are a slender and slightly curved fruit compared to the rounded shape of the average apple. In addition, apples come in far more colors compared to the average yellow banana, including red, green, pink, and also yellow apples.  When it comes to their seeds, apples have a central core surrounded by black seeds, while bananas do not have any noticeable seeds as you eat them. In addition, bananas do not have an edible skin, while apples do. Finally, bananas are sweeter compared to apples overall, though some apple varieties are just as sweet as bananas are. 

Banana vs Apple: Uses

Bananas and apples have fairly similar uses, given the fact that they are both sweet fruits. They are both eating raw in a variety of ways, including smoothies and snacks. However, apples are frequently baked and cooked with, while bananas seem to have fewer uses overall. When it comes to their textures, bananas are more starchy compared to the average crisp apple, though apples will get mealy as they age. 

Banana vs Apple: Popularity

You may have your own personal favorite, but there’s truly no comparing the popularity of an apple versus the popularity of a banana. Worldwide, apples are the most consumed fruit, particularly in China and the United States, while bananas do not reach the same level of popularity.  However, this likely doesn’t have to do with their nutritional value as much as it has to do with their availability and variety offered. For example, apples have much more varieties compared to bananas, giving you the option to find something that suits your own tastes. When it comes to their nutritional value, it all depends on what you are looking for, as apples are lower in sugar and carbs, but bananas are higher in vitamins and minerals. 

Banana vs Apple: Special Features

When it comes to day-to-day eating, bananas and apples are equally special. However, apples reign supreme in terms of their popularity, despite bananas being one of the most popular fruits consumed worldwide. This is likely due to the number of apple varieties that there are in the world, especially when you consider how few banana varieties there are. For example, there are nearly 8,000 different varieties of apples grown around the world, while there are only 1,000 different banana varieties. While you won’t be able to find all of these varieties available at once in the grocery store, it’s still impressive to note just how many different types of fruit there are!