No stranger to water, he is used to going spearfishing about 10 to 20 kilometers from shore out in North Queensland, Australia. He goes out with his mates to fish for food, never with an interest in sharks. However, on this particular day, he was swimming next to a large reef. He dived down about five meters and spotted a shark. He explains that it’s not unusual for sharks to swim toward you, maybe to size you up and figure out what you are. If there is blood in the water, the sharks may get more aggressive but at this point, there was no blood in the water. When he saw the shark, it didn’t initially notice him. Once it did, it began swimming toward him. He thought it was a typical response and that once the shark realized he was not a source of food, it would swim away. He remained calm as the shark approached. But when the shark was about five or six meters away, it fully charged. He pointed his speargun toward the shark and as it approached, the shark began opening its mouth. That’s when he knew that the shark intended to take a bite out of something—anything. He moved quickly and expertly when he pointed the speargun at it. From the initial video, it was hard to tell if the shark had baby sharks swimming around it. He clarifies that they are scavenger fish. He goes on to explain that aside from him noticing the shark in time, another lucky thing that happened is the spear went through the back of the shark’s head. It very well could have gone down its body, meaning the shark’s mouth could have reached his hand. His adrenaline was pumping at this point and the only thing he could process was survival. He held on to the speargun as best he could because it was the only thing helping to create distance between himself and the bull shark. He had enough self-control to not shoot the gun, even in a fight or flight moment like this. He finally lets go of the speargun as the shark swirls about, blood spilling out of its mouth. He managed to reach the surface and untangle himself from the speargun as his thoughts raced, thinking about his gear still piercing through the shark’s head. Finally, he let it all go completely. He then shares a video of a conversation he had with his mates immediately after, where his frustration about losing his gear is expressed. He quickly recounts what just occurred—and rightfully, they decide to get out of the water and find another spot to fish. Up next, more shocking shark footage: Great White Leaps from the Water to Catch This Bird in Wild Video Must See: Great White Shark Stalks Diver to Surface Watch How Close This Woman Came To Becoming A Shark’s Meal