In this article, we will compare and contrast everything you need to know about the Aussiedoodle and the goldendoodle. We will address the physical differences between these two dog breeds as well as what they were originally bred for and how they behave in the home as pets. Let’s get started and learn all about these two beautiful dog breeds now! 

Comparing Aussiedoodle vs Goldendoodle

Key Differences Between Aussiedoodle vs Goldendoodle

There are many differences between Aussiedoodles and Goldendoodles. While the weights of these two dogs are similar, the average Aussiedoodle grows taller than the average Goldendoodle. Additionally, goldendoodles have shorter ears compared to the long and floppy ears of the Aussiedoodle. Finally, the average Aussiedoodle lifespan is much shorter than the average goldendoodle lifespan.  Let’s discuss all these differences in more detail now. 

Aussiedoodle vs Goldendoodle: Size

There aren’t too many differences between the sizes of the average Aussiedoodle and the sizes of the average goldendoodle. However, you can find both goldendoodles and Aussiedoodles in a variety of dog breed sizes, as they range in weight from 25 to 75 pounds. This makes both of these dog breeds versatile and unique in this way.  However, the average Aussiedoodle grows slightly taller than the average goldendoodle, likely due to its Australian Shepherd ancestry. For example, goldendoodles average anywhere from 12 to 24 inches tall, while Aussiedoodles frequently grow anywhere from 15 to 25 inches tall. 

Aussiedoodle vs Goldendoodle: Appearance

Goldendoodles and Aussiedoodles have extremely unique coats, but the coat of the Aussiedoodle is shaggier in appearance than the coat of the goldendoodle. Both of these dogs are found in a variety of colors, though the Aussiedoodle has speckling and markings that resemble the Australian Shepherd, while goldendoodles are typically one solid color.  You can typically tell an Aussiedoodle apart from a goldendoodle based on the ears. For example, Aussiedoodles have long and floppy ears, while the ears of the goldendoodle are more practical and shorter in length. Aussiedoodles also have long and fluffy tails compared to the shorter tails of the goldendoodle. 

Aussiedoodle vs Goldendoodle: Original Reason for Breeding

Both Aussiedoodles and goldendoodles were bred with poodle cross breeds in mind, but that doesn’t mean that they were bred for the same reason. For example, goldendoodles were originally bred for guide dog and seeing eye dog uses, while Aussiedoodles were only bred to create a new domesticated dog for families around the world.  However, goldendoodles are considered extremely similar to Aussiedoodles for their uses at this point in time. Both dog breeds are hypoallergenic and do not shed, given their poodle ancestry. They are ideal family pets and extremely intelligent, which is the primary reason that they are bred today. 

Aussiedoodle vs Goldendoodle: Behavior

There are some behavioral differences between goldendoodles and Aussiedoodles, given their related dog breeds. For example, goldendoodles are more laid-back compared to Aussiedoodles due to their golden retriever ancestry. Aussiedoodles tend to herd young children or family members given their Australian Shepherd background, and this behavior is not observed in goldendoodles.  Both of these dog breeds are regarded as extremely intelligent individuals, but Aussiedoodles are known for their intuitive ability with their owners, while goldendoodles have more of a laid-back attitude overall.  No matter what, these dog breeds are easy to train and adapt well to life in a variety of home situations and family units. 

Aussiedoodle vs Goldendoodle Lifespan

A final difference between Aussiedoodles and goldendoodles is their average lifespan. Goldendoodles outlive Aussiedoodles by a few years on average, though it is unclear why. It is likely due to the fact that golden retrievers tend to live longer lives than the average Australian Shepherd, but lifespan differs from dog to dog and the overall health and wellness of the individual differs greatly.  For example, goldendoodles live an average of 12 to 15 years, while Aussiedoodles live anywhere from 10 to 13 years. Both of these dogs are extremely healthy breeds, and it is likely their sizes that affect their lifespans the most.